Welcome to NatureWatchCam.co.uk LIVE SWIFTS

With so few swifts arriving, our summers are becoming more silent each year. These extraordinary birds return to the U.K. but sadly habitat loss, intensive farming and householders war on nesting sites have increased their demise. Here at St.Matthews we are providing valuable nesting boxes for our swifts "Apus Apus".

When you are standing outside of our pretty village church, look up at the tower. Fixed behind the louvres are boxes specifically designed for these amazing visitors. Swifts can fly into the boxes through the spaces between the louvres. This year, cameras with night vision, have been installed in each box. Inside the church, a monitor will display live footage of the nest activity.

Click one of the streams to view it live...

With thanks to the following contributors of this project

S.B.Power fund
Cllr. Graham DARK. BEM.
Cllr. Michael BOOTH. BEM.
Cllr. Tracy CARTER.
Cllr. Jane KING.
Cllr. Anthony CASSON.
Cllr. Jack TYRRELL.
Cllr. George ALEY.
Cllr. Angela NEWTON.
Cllr. Chris BREWIS.

St.Matthews Church
Lesley Robinson

Phil Newton and Nick Fisher
Mark Everitt

Mr. Michael Barton